Sunday, August 16, 2009

Indian natural herb Tulsi to fight back swine flu

Ayurveda, the traditional 'science of life', has a remedy for diseases when every other stream of medicine fails. Now, at a time when swine flu is spreading like wildfire across the world, Ayurveda has the remedy in the form of the miraculous herb, the basil leaves commonly known as Tulsi.
Tulsi, the purest and most sublime plant, has been known and worshipped in India for more than five millennia for its remarkable healing properties. Considered as an 'Elixir of Life', this wonder herb has now been claimed to keep the deadly swine flu at bay and help fast recovery in afflicted persons. "The anti-flu property of Tulsi has been discovered by medical experts across the world quite recently. Tulsi improves the body's overall defence mechanism including its ability to fight viral diseases. It was successfully used in combating Japanese Encephalitis and the same theory applies to swine flu," Dr U K Tiwari, a herbal medicine practitioner says.
Apart from acting as a preventive medicine in case of swine flu, Tulsi can help the patient recover faster. "Even when a person has already contracted swine flu, Tulsi can help in speeding up the recovery process and also help in strengthening the immune system of the body," he claims. Dr Bhupesh Patel, a lecturer at Gujarat
Ayurved University, Jamnagar is also of the view that Tulsi can play an important role in controlling swine flu.
"Tulsi can control swine flu and it should be taken in fresh form. Juice or paste of at least 20-25 medium sized leaves should be consumed twice a day on an empty stomach." This increases the resistance of the body and, thereby, reduces the chances of inviting swine flu," believes Patel.
As its name suggests, Tulsi has again proved to be the 'the incomparable' medicine - this time, in the prevention and cure of swine flu. The symptoms of the H1N1 flu virus in people are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.
A significant number of people who have been infected with novel H1N1 flu virus also have reported diarrhea and vomiting. The high risk groups for novel H1N1 flu are not known at this time, but it's possible that they may be the same as for seasonal influenza. However, Please consult a practitioner in case of any such symptoms. Doctors have strictly advised against self medication.

swine flu

I saw this piece in the net and fully accept the fact. Hence this got a place here.

These are few facts about swine flu when discussed with the leading epidemiologists.

1) Swine flu, that is H1N1 flu is not new, first detected in 1987
2) Infective stage of flue is 5 days, 1 day before and 4 days after onset of symptoms
3) The best way to prevent it spreading is asking patient having symptoms of flu like fever cough and running nose to take rest at home for 4 days so he does not transmit it
4) Masks are of limited value if any, in this disease, it can spread through droplets on your skin, through contact etc, and I have seen that the masks in Pune are worn as fashion statement, while walking on road today morning I saw people wearing masks coming out for a morning walk with their dogs!, many wearing masks around their necks, and so on, in fact these masks shall act as the vehicles to carry the virus, instead avoiding crowded places or cinema halls or malls where air conditioners are on is advisable, because you get recalculated air, where the virus density multiplies
5)Death after H1N1 flu is not common, infect infections like measles is taking toll of thousands more every year, and we are oblivious of the facts. Swine flu is being blown out of proportion by media trying to create hysteria among lay people.
6) Fever accompanied by respiratory distress, should be immediately notified which is likely to be a complication of H1N1 flu
7)The mortality is less than .01 percent of those affected, that means may be one in 10,000 affected is likely to suffer the life loss.
8) If you remember, 2 years ago SARS was blown out of proportion, what happened? Humans develop immunity to the virus, the same is going to happen, we develop immunity in due course of time, the virus is in the air, you can not stop it, our body is already developing the immunity so nothing to panic..
We need to take care of children and elderly who have less immunity and do not let them go to crowded places that are all.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Art of Giving

Some time back, I came across this piece. I hope it is interesting
The Art of Giving

"Rivers do not drink their own water ,
nor do tree eat their own fruit ,
nor do rain clouds eat the grains reared by them.
The wealth of the noble is used solely for the benefit of others?

Even after accepting that giving is good and
that one must learn to give ,
several questions need to be answered.

The first question is when should one give ?

Yudhisthir asks a beggar seeking alms to come the next day.
On this , Bhim rejoices , that Yudhisthir his brother ,
has conquered death!
For he is sure that he will be around tomorrow
to give. Yudhisthir gets the message.
One does not know really whether one will be there
tomorrow to give!

The time to give therefore is

The next question is
'how much to give ?

One recalls the famous incident from history.
Rana Pratap was reeling after defeat from the Moghals.
He had lost his army , he had lost his wealth ,
and most important he had lost hope , his will to fight.
At that time in his darkest hour , his erstwhile minister
Bhamasha came seeking him and placed his entire fortune
at the disposal of Rana Pratap.
With this , Rana Pratap raised an army
and lived to fight another day.

The answer to this question how much to give is
" Give as much as you can !

The next question is
what to give ?

It is not only money that can be given.
It could be a flower or even a smile.

It is not how much one gives but how one gives
that really matters.
When you give a smile to a stranger
that may be the only good thing
received by him in days and weeks!

"You can give anything but
you must give with your heart !

One also needs answer to this question
whom to give ?

Many times we avoid giving by finding fault with the person
who is seeking. However , being judgmental and rejecting
a person on the presumption that he may not be the most
deserving is not justified.

" Give without being judgmental !

Next we have to answer 'How to give ?

Coming to the manner of giving , one has to ensure
that the receiver does not feel humiliated ,
nor the giver feels proud by giving.

'Let not your left hand know what your right hand gives?
Charity without publicity and fanfare ,
is the highest form of charity.

'Give quietly !

While giving let not the recipient feel small or humiliated.
After all what we give never really belonged to us.
We come to this world with nothing and will go with nothing.
The thing gifted was only with us for a temporary period.
Why then take pride in giving away something
which really did not belong to us?
Give with grace and with a feeling of gratitude.

What should one feel after giving ?

We all know the story of Eklavya.
When Dronacharya asked him for his right thumb
as "Guru Dakshina".
He unhesitatingly cut off the thumb and
gave it to Dronacharya.

There is a little known sequel to this story.
Eklavya was asked whether he ever regretted the act of
giving away his thumb when he was dying.

His reply was "Yes ! I regretted this only once in my life..
It was when Pandavas were coming in to kill Dronacharya
who was broken hearted on the false news of death of
his son Ashwathama and had stopped fighting.
It was then that I regretted the loss of my thumb.
If the thumb was there ,
no one could have dared hurt my Guru?

The message to us is clear.

Give and never regret giving !

And the last question is

' How much should we provide for our heirs ?

Ask yourself , 'Are we taking away from them the
"gift of work?
- a source of happiness!'
The answer is given by Warren Buffett:

"Leave your kids enough to do anything ,
but not enough to do nothing !

I would conclude by saying:
let us learn the Art of Giving ,
and quoting Sant Kabir:

"When the wealth in the house increases ,
When water fills a boat ,
Throw them out with both hands !

This is the wise thing to do!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Aahara Niyamam

The vEdhaantha dEsikar, the one with the grace of YathiirAjar stood like a lion and triumphed over many debating adversaries; researched the vEdhaas and saasthraas, with the view to guide us in choosing foods that ennoble us and avoid foods that debase us and has given us this prabhandam called aagaara niyamam. adiyEn shall wear His flower like thiruvadi as an ornament on my head.
All chEthanaas must understand that there are two kinds of foods, those that are ennobling (saathveeka) and those that are debasing (thaamasa). These are described by KaNNan in Sri Bhagavath Geethai, by Yathiraajar in His Srimadh Geethaa Bhaashyam, and by many rishis in many saasthraas and smrithis. By following these principles, ajakaran attained mOksham. Likewise, we must understand and follow these rules.
Forbidden foods:
1. Foods that are not brought into the house through the main door: grains such as varagu, etc.
2. Foods that mingle with stuff that have fallen from the mouth; remainder of what was put into the mouth.
3. Foods seen by immoral people
4. Foods that are burnt
5. Foods touched by clothes, or contaminated by saliva or sneeze.
6. Foods seen or touched by dogs
7. Foods cooked on days such as Ekaadhasi
8.Foods smelt by animals or people
9.Foods touched by people with disease
10.Foods that are not offered with kindness
11.Foods contacted by fly, worm, thread, hair, and nail
12.Foods offered by sanyaasi or touched by his vessel
13.Foods touched by the mouth of people, rats, chicken, crow, and cat

This paasuram lists the vegetables that are forbidden:
white eggplant, varieties of fruit, flower from Atthi tree, pErArkku, iRali, Pupil tree, arasu (aswattham),
naRuvili, Pungu, Aayil, Aarai, kurinji, thAnRi, kusumpai, vELai, red drum stick, domestic murungai, sukam, lotus root, garlic, uLLI, small beans, thummatti, certain kinds of spinach (PaNNaikkeerai, ThoyyiRkkeerai), mushroom,
seenkAdan, tERaRkkAi, OovaikkAy, Palm heart, nAyurivi, kadampu, mushrooms, suraikkAi, peerkku, saNarkkeerai and all that grew on tainted ground.

Forbidden foods:
Vegetables taken from other's garden without permission, portion that is set aside for oneself prior to the partaking of the rest of the group, foods that are exceedingly bitter, salty, pepper hot, or sour. The other vegetables to be avoided are: siRu keerai, Red ahatthy, thorny Mutungai, siRu pasaLai, Perum PasaLai and ammaNanthAL.

Forbidden foods:
Foods that were not offered to our Lord, foods that were not offered to the guests, foods that were cooked without first cleaning them, foods earned in immoral ways, cooked with other foods that are forbidden, cooked by unclean children, and foods that are contaminated by excrements.

Foods intended for dEvathaas
Foods offered to dEvathaas such as Sivan
Foods that harm our praaNan and indhriyam
Foods that are unrecognizable
Foods that is intolerably hot (temperature) and spicy
Foods those are not palatable and not pleasing to the mind
Vegetables and flowers that bloom in an untimely fashion
Food cooked in dirty salt.
Calcium (suNNaambu) extracted from sea shells
Bubbles and froth from water
Foods that are not offered to our Lord
Harvested from the stems that were previously harvested
Foods avoided by learned persons with pure heart
Foods from which the essence is taken out, except buttermilk ViLaam fruit and popped rice during the day
Foods prepared with curd and sesame seed oil, during night time
Foods that interfere with mantra japam and penance
Foods that are said to give magical powers
No foods on Ekaadasi days, and at dusk or midnight.

Do not eat:-
Before your shower and sandhya japam Alone, eat with a group of bhakthaas
Foods that are mashed by someone else Under the moonlight or fire
Husband and wife together
While staring at inferior individuals
With your left hand
Anything that is avoided by righteous people

Do not eat:-
Ghee that is served after you have begun eating
Foods that have been cooked twice (reheated)
Foods served by bare hand or spatulas made of Iron, uncooked foods may be served by bare hand
Foods already bitten into, old, and spoilt foods
Foods prepared in someone else's house (no potluck)
Foods that someone else wanted or rejected
Foods with smell of earth, or separated by finger nails, salt that you can see
Separated for one self and guests
Sap coming out of trees, except asafoetida.
Accept without hesitation:
Foods with the saliva of one's father, teacher, and first older brother
Saliva in the sOmaa vessel during sOma yaagam
Foods with husband's saliva for wife, if such food is contaminated with hair, worm, or
thread, these may be removed properly and the food accepted.
maadhuLangaay, only during our Lord's muga Vaasa soorNam.
All prohibited foods during calamitous time’s can be used.
Water, roots, ghee, milk, havis from yaagam, niminthraNam, guru's teachings, and medicine may be accepted even during fasting days.

Accept without hesitation:
Sugar cane juice, yogurt, milk, ghee, beetle nut, pepper, honey, cardamom, water made from snow anything until you realize its blemish. Dip in the ocean is permitted on full moon day and new moon day. During times of lunar and solar eclipse all waters will be considered equal to gangaa water; Water in rivers, even if it carries horses, donkeys and cadaver, will become purified with current. Foods cooked without water (cooked directly by fire)
Fruits ripened on their own accord Boiled rice vadaam, snacks such as appam, seedai, rotti, even if they are old, but tasty; do not accept foods that are fresh, but not tasty. Foods prepared with milk, like thirattuppaal, snacks like thEnkuzhal, muRukku, etc. Medicines prescribed by physicians, flower, vellam, wheat old rice that is soaked in clean water may be taken with buttermilk, ghee, milk, yogurt. Snacks made of yogurt and juice of flower, vegetables, and fruits; these are alright even if they are slightly spoilt. Foods that are spoilt may be taken during calamitous times by cleansing them and adding ghee and honey. If these foods are further contaminated with hair or other unclean stuff, cleanse them with sand and water.
Forbidden milk:
Milk from one hoofed animals like horse or donkey, cow that has twin calf, or camel milk
Salt added milk
Milk from women
Milk from pregnant cow
Milk extracted with the help of calf that does not belong to the cow
Milk from Cows that belong to temples
Goat milk, milk bought from Brahmins
Milk kept in copper vessels, burnt milk

Forbidden water:
Water from previous day, except gangaa water
remainder of water used for cleaning feet
Murky water
Heated coconut water
Water gathered in a ditch
Water offered in "water-sheds"
Doubtful water, water taken from where washer men work
Water contaminated by saliva
Water from conch
Rain water that has not fallen on the ground

About betel leaves:
Don’t chew betel nut without betel leaves (anemia caused)
Don’t consume the bottom, stem, or tip of betel leaves
Don’t chew betel leaves and nuts at the same time; widows, sanyaasi, and bachelors must not consume betel leaves
Don’t consume the betel leaf used to keep calcium
Never use betel leaves on fasting days such as Ekaadasi
Don’t drink water while chewing betel leaves

A particular food item may be acceptable or forbidden based on the caste, stage in life, geography, time of eclipse, individual dharmam, etc., etc. For example, it is said that milk from kapilai cow is acceptable for brahmins, but forbidden for shudraas. Therefore, one must approach learned people and get your doubts clarified.

For the benefit of people who live in this world characterized by lack of wisdom, Lord kaNNan showed many principles in saasthraas. After consulting with aachaaryaas, these principles have been laid out in this prabhandam. Guard yourself against the agnostics who believe only in this transient body and world. Consume only those saathveeka foods that helps us amplify our devotion to the thiruvadi of PEraruLaaLan.